Remind yourself that the food you eat at lunchtime is fueling your afternoon and early evening activities. Portion-control your junk food. It s time to stop this nasty habit. Don't sit down to an entire bag of chips, a pint of ice cream, or a box of cookies. And choose a chain that you know offers some healthier options. Eat healthy meals most of the time. Resist having junk food for your afternoon snack. 10. This will reduce its tempting power. Fill your refrigerator with healthier items that you like. If you do buy junk food, limit the variety. Consider light frozen entrees that contain lean meat, vegetables, and perhaps a grain. If bad food is your downfall, these tips will really help you. Replace the sugar with more nutritious items and you'll feel better than ever. Don't have several bags of High speed cam seat Company chips or boxes of cookies to choose from; choose just one. 9. De-junk your pantry. Junk food isn't fuel. Fill your pantry with healthier foods and products that you enjoy eating. Don't spend your junk food allotment on foods you don't thoroughly enjoy. Try to eat fast food no more than once a week.

Follow these tips to a healthier, junk-free lifestyle. De-junk your refrigerator and freezer. Pack a junk-free lunch. Bring your own healthier snacks to work, to the gym, or to keep in your car, so you'll be less vulnerable to vending machine and snack bars. If you eat balanced, higher-fiber meals, you'll be more likely to pass up the junk between meals. Stock your house or workplace with the ingredients for enjoyable non-junk snacks such as reduced-fat wheat crackers with cheese, yogurt with fruit and a sprinkle of nuts or crunchy whole-grain cereal.Need a good junk cleanup! Who doesn t once in a while?! When your pantry starts filling up with unhealthy items, you end up eating all that junk til it s gone. Decide how big of a portion you will have, and stick with it.. Identify the junk foods that give you the most pleasure and eat them in moderation